Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Welcome Freegal!

Combine the word "free" and the word "legal" and you've got FREEGAL, the library's new downloadable music service! You can download three FREE songs per week from Sony's music catalog. The songs are DRM-free and yours to keep; you can transfer them to devices or burn them to CD. The best part about the service is that there are no overdues and there is no waiting for popular artists. Speaking of popular artists, Freegal has Foo Fighters, Paul Simon, Adele, Mumford & Son, Cake, Bob Dylan and many, many more.
Take a look and let me know what you think!

Happy listening,


Head of Public Library Services said...

Great way to update Can you Hear Me Now?! Hope everyone enjoys their free music!

Julie the AV Librarian said...

Thanks for the feedback! Have you tried Freegal, yet?